Techies Guide (DotA 2) by Sristi

This is my first DotA 2 guide, but I have played fair amount of games and have tried different heroes. I've been playing techies a lot since he was introduced into DotA 2 recently. People have that general view thinking that Techies is a useless hero and they try to talk people out of playing it. Techies is a very tricky hero to play, a person who can't play him well will make his team lose the match. The perspective has changed a bit these days because of the videos on YouTube where the best players have played Techies and shown that they can also be as good as any other hero, and sometimes, better than most. Let's talk about cons and pros of playing Techies. Cons: > You can't really participate in ganks with your team, especially in early and mid game. > You will be countered a lot if enemy team has sentry wards or Gem of True Sight. > He has very bad movement speed. > He is squishy with very less hp. > Very hard to farm because of his ...