Completion of 20 years of life - My birthday celebration and reflection to the past

Once again the time to celebrate my birthday is here, November 7th. Candles, cakes, wishes, decorations, and that charm that I sense each time on this very day every year. The smell of different recipies, the CHOCOLATE cake, sweets and all. There is something magnificient, and beautiful, my heart skips a beat, in a moment of delight. I feel excited and enthusiastic throughout the day. The day glows, everything seems to be so perfect. The cool gust of wind, the uncertainty and mysteriousness of life. The warm sunshine and the hope and love that it brings. I notice things that I take for granted. I feel a sense of gratitude for the life I'm living.

I always wonder about the human exsistence on Earth, how did we originate? How was our universe created? It's all a mystery. It's fascinating to think about the future that lies ahead. I've grown more curious and more fond to find things out, to research, to learn and to explore the world I live in. I'm still a child-like person that wants answer for every little thing.

I'm quite astonished sometimes, for the efforts I put in my academics. I feel the sense of passion to reach the top, to climb the highest mountain, to be someone that people look up to. I know nobody can be the absolute best in what they do, but I try. I give my time for things I love to do, and people that mean a lot to me. There is no "losing" for me, nor the "second position", I'm so obessed with doing all I can to outshine others.

During the time from november 7, 2013 to today, november 7,2014, I have gone through a lot of experiences, learning and achievements. I 've had the highest moments of my life, and the lowest ones. There were times when I was fed up with some things, and then I got myself back up because we have to accept the truth and be okay with what we have. The worst moment was the best moment, I just couldn't see through it.

I lost, and I found. I got to reach out to the wishful thoughts I had all the past years. I'm so happy because the people who love us truly, never really stop loving us. Things get in between, everything falls apart but things that are precious, remain precious. I remember all the people that I know in my life and have interacted with, family, relatives, friends, and others. Every memory of them makes me smile, no matter how insignificant events have happened, even the bad ones, I take it positively.

Over the years I've been this positive beacon of life, and now, starting from this very day, I even feel hopeful, back on track, and fighting for my dreams. There are so many things I want to achieve, and there's presumably very little time. My top ambitions are to be recognized as an International Author and also to finish my PhD on Major English(I love literature, it's my life). I've learnt to live in the "present" and just focus on what I can do now, than reminicse about what I could have done in the past or what I can do in the future. We can only receive the best of life when we think in the moment, the present.

There are so many things to be grateful for. My family have been an immense amount of support for everything I do. I have friends who inspire me and love me for who I am. I am not the "best- all perfect" friend, I've got flaws, but some have been there for me through everything. It feels great to have a bunch of friends to goof around with, to laugh, to joke and do silly things.

My life just seems to be a wonderful mix of everything. I really don't lack anything. I keep moving ahead, breaking the records, being better, and improving in every step of life.

A little quote by me.. " You can do anything you want to do, pick the positive point of view, and always strive to work better, to be smarter, and to achieve higher than you ever have."

I'm 21 years old today. Happy Birthday to me :D
<3 <3 <3
Sristi xoxo


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